Career Role Model
Professional Photographer
Victoria Cerise
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Victoria Cerise...Professional Photographer | Victoria Cerise... Entrepreneur | Victoria Cerise... Wedding Photographer | Victoria Cerise... Catholic
Patrick Jones - Course author
Victoria Cerise
My biggest piece of advice is a quote by St. Catherine of Siena, "Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire."
So many people will have opinions on what you should do (or what is more "stable" of a career), but if it is something you are passionate about - and it's God's will for your life - pursue it wholeheartedly.
If you put in the hard work, aim to glorify God in all that you do, and honor the vocation you enter, you will be unstoppable.
So many people will have opinions on what you should do (or what is more "stable" of a career), but if it is something you are passionate about - and it's God's will for your life - pursue it wholeheartedly.
If you put in the hard work, aim to glorify God in all that you do, and honor the vocation you enter, you will be unstoppable.