Career Role Model


Sister Mercedes

Vocations Director
A Dominican Sisters of Mary
Mother of the Eucharist
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Sister Mercedes... Religious | Sister Mercedes.... Sister | Sister Mercedes.... Vocations Director | Sister Mercedes.... Catholic

My name is Sr. Mercedes, OP and I am a Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. My community is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, though I am originally from Brooklyn, NY.

My community is a teaching community in the tradition of the Dominican Order. I have taught in a high school in Phoenix, served as a librarian at the North American College in Rome, and am currently serving as the Vocations Director for my community.

I travel the country giving talks on vocation discernment and run our discernment retreats in Ann Arbor.

I help young women discern God's will in their lives and accompany young women as they prepare to enter our community.



Patrick Jones - Course author

Sr. Mercedes Torres

""Your vocation is the path God created for you to become saint! Everyone has a vocation, because everyone was made for Heaven and to be with God for all eternity.  
Be open to the graces God gives you and pray each day to know your vocation. Do not be afraid! He is always guiding you.""
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