Career Role Model


Dr. Marlon De La Torre

Executive Director for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship
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Marlon de la Torre... Theology | Marlon de la Torre... Executive Director for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship | Marlon de la Torre... Faith, Family, and basketball| Marlon de la Torre... Catholic

Dr. Marlon De La Torre is a son of God, who has been married for over 25 years to the love of his life and blessed with four living children. He is from California, played basketball in high school and college, and coached AAU basketball. He loves to read. Next to his complete love and sacrifice for Jesus Christ, his family is his all.



Patrick Jones - Course author

Marlon de la Torre 

"Many people would be glad to have afflictions , so long as they were not inconvenienced by them." St. Francis De Sales 
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