Career Role Model


Holly Vaughan

Theology Instructor
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Holly Vaughn... Theology | Holly Vaughn... Theology Instructor | Holly Vaughn... Teacher of God | Holly Vaughn... Catholic

Holly Vaughan has an extensive background in parish catechetical work. She has experience in catechesis with all ages, particularly with middle school, high school, and adult faith formation. She has not only taught, but been involved in curriculum creation for all of these ages, and is especially interested in creating classes that teach in the format developed by the Early Church Fathers, which roots everything we learn in Scripture.

After studying theology as an undergrad at the University of Dayton, she was accepted to the Master's Program at Augustine Institute to study for her MA in Theology with a concentration in Sacred Scripture. She has a special love for helping high school and young adult students grow in their faith, and for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, both of which provide many opportunities to see people come alive as the teachings of our Catholic faith come alive for them in a new way.

Holly lives in rural Southern Illinois with her wonderful husband, who is a farmer, and her three amazing sons.



Patrick Jones - Course author

Holly Vaughan

"There are no ordinary people.
You have never talked to a mere mortal."
~ CS Lewis
God gives us all gifts to be used in order to build His Kingdom as Saint Paul tells us in First Corinthians 12:27-31...
"Sometimes it can be difficult to discern what our gifts are, or how our particular calling will be used to build the Body of Christ, but whatever the Lord is calling you to (and He will make it known) is for both your good and the good of those whose lives you will touch."
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