Career Role Model


Fr. Mark J. Rutherford

Roman Catholic Priest
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Father Mark J. Rutherford... Religious | FATHER MARK J. RUTHERFORD... Roman Catholic Priest | FATHER MARK J. RUTHERFORD... Walk the path God designed for you | FATHER MARK J. RUTHERFORD... Catholic

Father Mark Rutherford grew up with four brothers in a Catholic family in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Active in sports, he played hockey, wrestled, and boxed. When he was thirteen years old, he began discerning a vocation to the priesthood while attending a Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Conference in 1997. He attended Catholic and public schools, and even homeschooled. He attended Ave Maria College from 2001-2005 in Michigan before it was moved to Florida. He majored in both Theology and Philosophy with a minor in classical languages. He was a member of the Pre-Theologate program, which assisted men discerning priesthood. After graduating, the Bishop of Lansing accepted him as a seminarian and attended Sacred Heart Major Seminary from 2005-2009, earning a Masters in Divinity and the S.T.B. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Earl Boyea on June 13th, 2009, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua.



Patrick Jones - Course author

Father Mark J. Rutherford 

"Never make a major life decision, such as a vocation or even a career, without first entering into dialogue with the Lord Jesus asking Him what He would like you to do since you will be restless until you are walking the path He designed for you."
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