Career Role Model
Domenico A. Ruggiero
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Domenico A. Ruggiero... Independent Business Consultant | Domenico A. Ruggiero... Husband & Father | Domenico A. Ruggiero... B.A. in Aerospace Engineering | Domenico A. Ruggiero... public speaker | Domenico A. Ruggiero... high-performing, ambitious, & self-motivating | Domenico A. Ruggiero... Catholic
Patrick Jones - Course author
Domenico A. Ruggiero
"I grew up thinking I was going to be the 'Neil Armstrong' of Mars... putting my footprints in Martian soil. I wanted to see the Earth from orbit. But as great as a goal as that was... God showed me my true path... to be a HUSBAND and FATHER. Not necessarily well-known like Neil Armstrong, but perhaps more hidden like St. Joseph.
I relish the memories of working in/on/around spaceflight hardware when I did, but there came a time when God showed me a different career path. It wasn't what I expected it to be... in fact when I was younger, I thought to myself 'I definitely don't want to do this for a career.' God has a funny sense of humor like that.
But ultimately, the career path he has led me on has served me and my family very well. God may still have career changes in store for me, but what I've come to know and what I convey to you is that you should not fret too much trying to make long-term plans. Look at your strengths and the opportunities present to you at this moment in time. Try to anticipate future needs. Be willing to step forward with God as your guide. You don't need to know what the future holds or how you'll get there. Just trust in Him."
Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence. In all thy ways think on him, and he will direct thy steps. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6