Service Provider
Catholic Family Life Coach
Professional Life Coach
High School Students
College Students
High School Students
College Students
Why this Service?
Life Coaching
High School Students
College Students
Group Coaching
A heart for students
I invite you into a journey of friendship, support, and clarity as you walk from where you are today to where the Holy Spirit is leading you to! I don’t have all the answers, but you do. I’m just here to help guide, support and walk beside you as high school students, young adults, moms, teachers, and families while you embrace your new normal, discern your personal vocation, and become who God created you to be!
Individual Meetings
I get it and I will always show up! I'm here to help you identify what God has placed in you and help you claim it! Life is not predictable and when you experience the unexpected, it's not easy. I'm passionate about this because well, it happened to me, and I wouldn't have made it without our Catholic faith. I simply want to walk that journey with you, share in the gifts God has placed in you, celebrate our Catholic faith, and serve our Lord together!
So, let's gather, share a cup of coffee and let's do this thing!
Catholic Family
Life Coach
Life Coach
I specialize in accompanying high school students, young adults and mothers through the process of growing in self-awareness with the aid of talent assessments so they can more effectively fulfill God’s calling on their lives. I walk beside them as they achieve greater confidence unlocking their fullest potential and gain an understanding of the gifts and talents that God has uniquely placed within them so they can effectively navigate life changes, discern personal vocations, and claim their God given strengths!
I serve clients of all faiths and community with the highest of moral values, professional conduct, and ethical standards through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is through His grace that I remain authentic and speak truth in love, be fully present and champion my client’s individual agenda and integrity. My non-directive coaching allows my client to own their decisions, action plans and be held accountable for their outcomes. I provide an honest, safe, trusted, and confidential environment for my clients.
Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire -St. Catherine of Siena