Starting a work-from-home job in high school is probably one of the best ideas a student can try today. You develop real-life skills, learn to work with people, build a brand, and start creating income - without having to pay for college debt, rent, or other expenses. Since studies are still a priority, you can set aside a few hours to teach yourself something new, and do work at your own pace. This is creating a whole new world of freedom for people all over the world. We can finally create our freedom, from our bedroom. For a student still living at home, you don’t have to wait for a college degree to start getting ahead and creating success.
Starting a business in high school?
This used to be the norm, back in the day when the family business was something you ran out of your home. The industrial revolution separated work from home life for several hundred years, creating a new norm where you depend on someone else to pay you for routine work.
The problem with this ‘factory thinking’ is it doesn’t allow you to be yourself, work at your pace, and create income in a way that brings you life. We’ve seen the exhaustion and resentment from people who hate their jobs. I believe that chapter on human history is beginning to close.
Today, we’re able to meet with anyone online from anywhere in the world. We can create value and offer services to our local communities, or companies in other states. Almost anything we want to learn is available on YouTube, blogs, or private courses. Teachers and coaches can show up on your phone to guide you through a workshop, or private consulting.
If you have the energy and interest, you can create your freedom from your bedroom. Or your living room. Without having to put it off until after college. Today, many college students graduate with degrees they won’t use and need to instantly find jobs to pay back their loans. This means they don’t have time to grow into a job that truly excites them. Debts have to be paid.
I believe that the people who go to college should only be the ones who want it, and know what they want out of it. The rest of us are probably more interested in jumping into the workforce. And some of us have a chance now to make friends, learn skills, and start creating income before lunch.
How to get started with a small business in high school?
The best way to begin is to hunt for a problem to solve, ideally one that excites you to work on. Don’t start creating, start by watching. Researching. Learning about the environment. Reach out to friends and businesses at your parish or community center and offer to intern with them for a while.
If you decide you like the workflow and the people, you can then discuss starting a paid freelance position with them. Who knows, they may even want more of your skill sets. If you don’t like the experience, you can try something different.
Sometimes you see a clear need and you want to start solving it on your own. You can be building your brand by writing down a simple plan for what you’ll do, what you’ll charge, how you find clients, and why people should work with you. If you want to show leadership for your clients, you’ll need to put in extra thought and effort into bringing them value and service before they even hire you.
Start networking with mentors and try chatting with potential customers. These will help you save a ton of time experimenting, and speed up your journey. Plus, you can look for resources and support, such as business incubators or startup competitions, to help you launch your business.
Work from home and build your brand.
Starting a work-from-home job in high school is one of the best ways for students to develop real-life skills, learn to work with people, build a brand, and create income - without the burdens of college debt, rent, or other expenses. By meeting anyone from anywhere in the world online, students can create value and offer services to their local communities or companies in other countries. From data entry to virtual customer service, social media management, online tutoring, and website development, students have many options. Plus, you can create your own, or your own approach.
Starting a business in high school can also be a great way to gain important skills such as time management, financial management, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, and communication, that will help students thrive in any business environment.
Most importantly, you don’t have to do it alone.
DreamAgain Marketing is excited to partner with Good Counsel Careers to help one thousand students discover new skills and create their freedom, through coaching, community, and courses. It’s hosted by me, Dominic de Souza, a high school (and college) dropout who loves to learn business ideas and teach himself skills. I run multiple businesses and side projects, which has created enough income and job opportunities that I have worked from home for over five years.
Today, I am paying it forward and helping teens, college students, and adults create their freedom by building their brands and their lifestyles. My new book, ‘Rebel Dreams,’ is a course that shares my roadmap for showing without a budget or authority, and making a difference in a hundred days.
Check out the DreamAgain blog on my website for a list of ten work-from-home jobs that students can start exploring today.
Learn more at dreamagainmarketing.com, and join the community of rebel dreamers.